As Christians in culture, current events, and politics, have we forsaken the Sermon on the Mount? I hope for Christians to live as Christians: not as nationalists, morality enforcers, or sheltered isolationists, but as the next generation of Christians in a globalized world who care passionately about loving every single one of their neighbors as God desires.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How To Act In War

I found it to be incredibly interesting to consider the lingering consequences of a Christian nation dropping such a deadly weapon.

The wisdom to use the atomic bomb (in WWII) has been long debated. Dropping the bomb probably did shorten the war; nevertheless Asians cannot forget this new and frightful weapon of destruction was loosed upon them by the Christian West. Conventional weapons since the beginning of time, from the stone ax through the spear and sword to the rifle, had killed men of one generation only. Mysterious horrors were now added by the fact that the atomic bomb had the power not only to destroy large numbers instantly but also to affect future generations through the damage caused to the human reproductive by fallout. --W. Scott Morton, in his book Japan: It's History And Culture.

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